Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Second time I've really ridden my bike.

So ya'll know how much I rode my bike in Salt Lake. I rode all year round; snow, no problem; rain, wouldn't think twice about it; heat, yeah it sucked but I'd still ride. Now on the other hand, I live on campus and I don't have a job. I've not really ridden my bike at all. I've done two rides that were any real distance. One was taking the bus in to downtown Oly and riding back to my house. That's about six or so miles not counting the riding around I did while I was downtown. The second real ride was today when again I took the bus to 5th ave and Capitol Street then rode to Lacey for a job interview. That's about four miles. Most of you know that four miles is about as far as it is from my folks house to the Gateway. Really that's not that far, I've ridden that a lot. I've done that at night, in the middle of the day in the middle of summer, it's not hard. And compared to the ULCER it's nothing, not even a warm up. Oh yeah I wanna ride that again if I'm in town next summer, which I'm thinking I won't be if I get a job. But this time I'd want to ride it on my fixed gear.

One of the many things I dislike about living on campus is having to ride down a big fuckin hill to get in to downtown. Now I've done big hills on my fixed gear (you all should know by now that that I don't have a brake other then my legs on that bike) but not in traffic like here, on streets that are as narrow as they are here. Believe me when I tell you that streets in Salt Lake are WIDE like a hookers nether parts. Streets here are like Hank Hills pee hole .(that TV reference was for Jeremy who's no longer watching TV. Check out his blog when you get a chance it's good. I linked to it for you so it's not that hard people.) Hence why I've been riding the bus in to town then riding around and riding back... Oh yeah and the fact there are not really any street lights on the road leading on to campus doesn't help much to make me feel safe. Yes I've got lights but I can't really see the road and drivers fucking suck anywhere. So all in all the ride was nice, it's made me tired and hungry like I've forgotten it can and missed. I need to ride more... A lot more.


Cassie the Great said...

We're not doing the ULCER next year. We're doing a century in Moab a little later in the year. I'll send you the info. Not that you couldn't do the ULCER without me. But I like to think of us as 100 miler bike buddies.

veganaron said...

That would be fun. We'll see what happens, maybe I'll have time to do that if I'm not working and not going to school. I for sure think we're 100 miler biker buddies. :D