Sunday, December 2, 2007

Who Said, You Said, I Said, We Said, Edward W. Said.

An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.-Oscar Wilde

I'm thinking about what I want to do for my spring quarter. Some of the students are writing papers this quarter with the intent of trying to get them published next year. I think that is a good idea so I'm thinking about doing an independent study contract along the lines of what we've been studying this year thus far. I'm thinking about maybe writing something about decolonizing the Euro-American mind. Freire said, I'm paraphrasing here so bare with me, that in liberating themselves the oppressed will have to liberate their oppressors along with them because the problem of colonialism, and thus oppression, lies in the fact that oppression happens as an result of a system. While there are very real people that oppress others to unjustly take what is not due them, they are in a way the victim of a parasitic way of thinking that in the end oppresses a very real person or group of people. It also in a way oppresses the oppressor to a degree. This is not to say that the oppressor is a victim the same way that the victim of colonialism or imperialism is because the oppressor does not experience the violence of that oppression. I believe that the best way to think about it is like an alcoholic that beats their family. The alcoholic while on one hand abuses their family members and beats them, they are in their own right the victim of a sickness. In the case of the colonizer, he is a victim of the sickness that is the colonial way of thinking. He is not a victim in the same right as the colonized.

I'm not sure where this line of thought is going so I'll leave it here.

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