Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Damn Cassie and Her Bike Ridin' Ways!!!

Cassie's been blogging about riding her bike and it's made me sorrowful because I don't really have anyone up here to ride with like I did in Shit Lick. Cassie and I rode the ULECR last summer and it was great, since then I've just not gotten on the bike as much as I'd like, I hate getting wet and it is WET up here. Thanks to my folks this past Godless Christian Holiday #1 I know own a pair of waterproof pants and boy are they waterproof. But it's also hard to get on the bike when it's that wet and that cold and you don't really have to ride to get to work (because at the time I didn't have a job) or school (because I was living on campus). Also when it gets dark at 4:30 PM and the sun doesn't come up until 8:30 or 9:00 AM it's a little hard to ride if you live in the woods like I do...

The good part is that I've been riding almost everyday I work now, save for one or two days last month when I woke up late and just could not bring myself to do it. Another pain in the ass part is that it seems that every time I go out I get a fucking flat because the roads between my house and ANYWHERE are shit and covered in shit that goes right though my gatorskins and puts a big fucking hole in my inertubes. So as soon as I have the money I'm getting some tuffy strips to put in em' so that I don't get as many flats.

God I miss riding with people...


Cassie the Great said...

People miss riding with you too. I certainly can't find anyone to ride more than a few miles with me. And I'm doing the MS 150 soon so I have to up my mileage. You obviously should not have moved away.

veganaron said...

That is the suck, as they say. You could always move up here, as I think that is a much better option then me moving back to Shit Lick. :D