Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Hate Feeling Like This

So I've been having roommate issues... To say the least. She's a complete asshole and loves to have power struggles, if she's not the top dog, then she's gonna make you hurt to become the top dog. This has been going on since we moved in, she likes to tell me what to do and how to do it. Last time I checked I had a mother and her name was not the Bitch. Also, I fail to see how if she wants something cleaned, and I didn't make the mess (it was there when we moved in), she was cleaning where the mess was, why I should have to clean it up if she's already about to do it?

So we get in this fight and she starts calling me, among other things, a dead beat. This is one hundred and eighty degrees off what she said when we moved in, which was "you're the best roommate ever." Know what changed? I told her off when she told me to do something that she has no right to tell me to do. Like when she told my girlfriend to tell me to take out the trash in the bathroom because there was a used condom in it that supposedly was hanging off the side... OK if that had happened it would have been fucking gross but IT DIDN'T and do you want to know what else was in the can? No I'm sure you don't but you're going to find out anyway, a bunch of her used tampons. And when I say a bunch, I mean the damn thing was full of blood soaked TP and tampons. Now I don't have a problem with taking out the trash when it's full, even if it's used tampons, because if the trash needs to go out, it goes out. I don't really care what's in it. In fact I took out the trash because it was FULL. What I really have a problem with is her telling me, VIA MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND, that I had to do it because it was gross. Now why this is a problem is that she didn't think about anyone but herself in this matter, she didn't think, 'maybe Aaron has a problem with handling my tampons as much as I have a problem handling a used condom?' The whole thing is about her not thinking about anyone but herself.

There was also the time my Mom and Brother came up to visit about two months after I moved in. She had been offered a washing machine by the dude she just happened to be fucking at the time and TOLD me (see again not asking but TOLD) me we were getting it and that it was fifty bucks and I needed to pay for half. I said OK because at the time I was all "whatever, we could use it and it's cheep." So Mom and Brother come up with a Uhaul, the Bitch says we're going to use it to get the washer, I said we MIGHT be able to use it but it depended on what Mom and Brother and I were going to be doing. I asked her to check with her Fuck Toy when we could come and get it. She said she was free on Monday, Mom and Brother came up on a Friday, but didn't ask when we were free. So Brother and I take the Uhaul back on Saturday because that was the only day we had free. The Bitch wakes up after we take it back and asks where the truck is. I told her we took it back and she yells at me, "Why?! We need to get that washer on Monday." I told her that Saturday was the only day we could do it and that I never said we COULD use it I said we MIGHT be able to use it. She made my Mom so uncomfortable that she checked in to a hotel for the weekend. Brother wanted to spend time with me so she stayed with me but I'm sure it was not as much fun as he had hoped.

So yeah, the next story involves me telling her I'm moving out. I'm required to find a replacement for my half of the lease so I post an ad on craigslist about it. Someone comes by to look at the place and I tell the Bitch after about it. She gets really pissed off and says, "I don't want you finding me a roommate, I'll find my own." and stomps off... Everyone I've ever told that story to was all, "WTF?! She got mad at you for trying to find her a roommate?"

Yep, that's why I'm not calling my friends and family as much as I used to because I'm stressed to fucking hell about dealing with that fucking Asshole roommate. There's more but I'm done with complaining about it for now.

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