Friday, September 5, 2008

Ode to the Dude who Rode to Work With Me the day Before Yesterday

So the day before yesterday on my way to work, I caught up to this guy on Cooper Point turning on to Evergreen Parkway. He was doin' a fairly good clip (about 30 MPH) when I caught up to him. I passed him with a polite "on your left!" As I rounded the corner on Evergreen Parkway, there was this older dude walking his dog, I slowed down waiting to pass him. About that time I hear an "on your left!" and my bikin buddy pass us. I catch him again as we make the turn on to Overhulst Road, and give him a little "on your left!" and as I go by I say "tag?" we then proceed to leap frog past each other for a little bit until he said he was too tired and we rode the rest of the way to the college chatin'. It was a good way to start my day, and left me in a fantastic mood for the rest of the day. I made me wish that I had someone to ride to work with everyday, because it was so much fun.

It reminds me of the few times Cassie and I rode to work together when I was working at the Law Office and she at the "Job From Hell". I find it a lot more enjoyable to ride with people then by my self.

I also heard back from the Journal I am trying to get published in. They rejected my paper as it was last quarter and I need to do some re-writes... Nothing too major in my mind, they were things that I'd been warned about when I first started on it so I'm not too worried. I'll start to re work it tomorrow.


Cassie the Great said...

Your nostalgia makes me pout. Those were fun little rides. I probably would have never actually ridden to work if not for you.

veganaron said...

Ah, I'm touched. I'm glad I had a postive influance on you. I would not have ridden a Century with out you. :)