Monday, November 3, 2008

So tomorrow is the "big day"

And every time I see an Obama button I shiver a little. He claims to be this big man of change and really if you look at his stances and really think about them how much different is he then McCain? Besides his stance on a woman's right to choose there seems to be very little difference.

He says that he wants to "responsibly redeploy" the U.S. imperial forces in Iraq by saying that he can have all troops out in 16 months yet calls for the following:

increase U.S ground forces by 65,000 soldiers and 27,000 Marines. He has also stated that he will invest in training "special operations forces, civil affairs, information operations, foreign language training and other units and capabilities that remain in chronic short supply" with a focus on "counterinsurgency."

If he plans on pulling the invading forces out of Iraq why then is he increasing the number of troops?

Look at their domestic policies on crime and crime prevention. Both call for increases to the number of police on the streets, the recruitment of young people in to the police force, and more spending to local law enforcement agencies. This has been the same thing since the 1970's and all it's done is put more poor people and people of color behind bars then ever before.

If you really want change why are you voting for the two parties who are funded by the same people. Who do you really think they are going to represent when they get in to office. You or the people who paid to put them there?

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