Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It an't mine and I'd like to keep it that way.

So Mandy just sent me a link to my ex-girlfriends baby's web page (yes even babies have them now) and low and behold IT AN'T MINE! For those of you that don't know, yes there was a little worry in the back of my mind as to whether or not she lied to me when she told me that it was his. So just to make sure, I compared photos of the kid to photos of me. Nope it's his. With out a question, it's his. I'm not saying the kid is a troll, but if I were a goat I'd stay away... Oh wait I'm think of it's mom... Yeah the kid is good looking, even better looking that it's not mine because I don't ever have to worry about paying for it to go to college and fuck some dude like it's dad, or it's mom for that matter. All in all, it put a good cap on an other wise shit fuck of a day. P.S. I think I have a bacterial infection of the lungs, I'm gonna go see a doc tomorrow after this meeting I have with the Prof.

Yep, I fucking rock. I really hope that for some reason I'm shootin' blanks and NEVER have to worry about having kids... Maybe when I get the money I should reconsider gettin' the ol' tubes tied again. This time there's no Mormon girl gettin' in the way.


Cassie the Great said...

Awwww but you would make the best daddy right now! You could get one of those cute little child seats for the back of your bike and buy the baby soy breast-milk. It comes from the breasts of soys. Nice bullet dodged there.

Sorry about your lungs, infections are, as they say on the interwebs, teh suck.

VeganAaron said...

Yeah! Then when the little fucker an't lookin' I can stuff it in a burlap bag and toss it in a river like you would a litter of kittens you don't want. Man that was messed up... :D

Leigh said...
